February 20, 2018
When I started working with Xamarin.Forms, building interfaces was very difficult as there were no graphical tools for it; everything was done "manually". This post compares some tools that we can use to make this work a little easier.
July 12, 2017
Hey, folks! How's it going? It's been a while since I wanted to write here on the blog. Fortunately, today I have the opportunity to share with you something I learned in the last few days. This post talks about customizing the styles of some UI elements in Xamarin.iOS in apps developed with Xamarin.Forms. Let's get started!
January 09, 2017
Do you know the Meetup app? Meetup is a social network designed to facilitate offline group meetings. Why am I talking about it? Just to introduce the subject. What I want to talk about today is how to create a clickable title like the Meetup app for iOS in an app developed with Xamarin.Forms.
January 08, 2017
When we start developing software, it's normal to draw inspiration from an existing idea. It could be a well-designed screen, a great user experience, or a successful case study.
December 04, 2016
Hi, I'm back! Today I'm going to talk about a situation I faced this week and had to come up with a solution. I'm going to talk about double clicking on mobile navigation (if we can call it that).